
Week 6

Blog Entry 4

It is pretty unbelievable that it’s week six already. I feel a bit anxious about how quickly time is passing but I know that I am on track with my project timeline. I’m actually glad to have these blogs to reflect back on my weekly work because they are evidence of the effort I have put in. Without these blogs, I feel like it would be very easy for me to underestimate and overlook how much work I’ve done...

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Week 5

Blog Entry 3

Remember when I said last week that I was expecting curveballs in the next few weeks? Well, little did I know that it would arrive literally the following week. To recap, I had successfully picked an idea to pursue: a co-design toolkit. In my naivety, I thought: “Oh! Easy! The next thing I need to do is just research different kinds of tools and toolkits.” Spoiler alert, it was not easy...

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Week 4

Blog Entry 2

Completing an assignment always comes with a great deal of relief. I was very glad to be starting the week off on a positive note after delivering my 301 presentation to a high standard and submitting my revised proposal. As relieving as it is to finish something, the following thought is always: “what’s next?”...

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Weeks 1-3

Blog Entry 1

My first blog update! Every time there’s a deadline in the (somewhat) far future, I tell myself that it’ll come much sooner than expected and yet somehow it still arrives even sooner than that. The last three weeks feel like they went by so quickly but if I think about the progress I’ve made, three weeks sounds about right. If I could use one word to describe what I’ve been up to...

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